P. 54

“It was                                                                  start  my online homemade  1
                                                                                  food business, and online
         tough,                                                                   pet supplies, which some-
                                                                                  how  helped me  earn money.
         but I’m
         passionate                                                               HOW DID THE

         about what                                                               NEW  NORMAL

         I’m doing.”                                                              AFFECT                  YOU
                                                                                  AS           A        DOG

                                                                                  HA N DLER ?

                                                                                  Emotionally it was depress-
                                                                                  ing  at  first.  All  of  the  sched-
                                                                                  uled dog shows for 2020 have
        KIMBERLY SO                                                               been  canceled.  Some  clients
                                                                                  cancelled their dog trainings,
        Dog Trainer/Handler                                                       it has been very difficult to
                                                                                  travel and go to the places
                                                                                  of my clients because of reg-
                                                                                  ulations during the ECQ. So, It
                                                                                  was tough, but I’m passionate
        AS           A         DOG            cluding my profession as a dog      about what I’m doing. I adapt-
                                                                                  ed  to  the  new  normal  and
                                              handler.  Due  to  the  limitations
        H AND LE R,                           and lockdowns,  I  couldn’t  enter-  now little by little due to the
                                                                                  few cases in our region. I was
                                              tain, meet, and converse person-
        HOW DID YOU                           ally with my clients. But to adjust   able to accept and conduct
                                                                                  training sessions at my home.
                                              to  the  set  up  especially  during
        PREPARE FOR                           ECQ, I explained adequately to
                                              my  loyal  clients  that  I  wouldn’t
        THE                  ECQ?             train dogs for a few months. Thus,
                                              resulting  in  no  income  for  me.
        I  started my career  as a profes-
        sional  dog  handler  in  2010.  But
        the year 2017 up to the present       HOW DID YOU
        was the peak of my career. I be-
        gan to gain more clients and join         COPE WITH
        dog shows during these years.
        Being a handler is never easy.             THE ECQ?
        I experienced a lot of ups and        It has been challenging to cope
        downs. This profession is not as      up with this phenomenon. But
        easy as anyone thinks it is, es-      as a dog handler, I have to as-
        pecially  during  this  pandemic.     sess things, adapt myself, and
                                              think of other ways to survive
        When the Covid-19 outbreak            or  earn a living.  I decided to
        started and reached our coun-
        try, it  affected  many things,  in
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