P. 51


                                                                                      Issue Recap

                     “We are now

                        down to 13

               adults and some

                   puppies in our





                                              ful. So nothing really changed except   the business that kept us afloat during
        HOW DID YOU PREPARE                   for their food. We had to adjust finan-  ECQ, is starting to slow down in terms
        AS A DOG OWNER AND                    cially, which was the biggest challenge   of demand. As a dog owner,  and a
        EXHIBITOR FOR THE ECQ?                for  us, we had to  continue  business   show exhibitor, it was hard, and with
                                                                                   the limited income we were getting,
                                              from  home  since we  keep  spend-
                                              ing,  but no  money  was coming  in.   it was a  hard  decision to  rehome  s
        When ECQ happened, we were pre-                                            some of our adult dogs. We are now
        pared  with  dogfood  readily in  stock                                    down to 13 adults and some puppies
        at home, as I was able to order from       HOW DID THE NEW                 in our  household.  Financially we are
        royale canine a week before the hard                                       still struggling and really trying to pick
        lockdown  last March  2020. I had an   NORMAL AFFECT YOU AS A              up pieces, but surviving. We all  miss
        intuition that something was  going   DOG OWNER/EXHIBITOR?                 the shows, we miss the excitement of
        down. It was about a month and a half                                      preparing for the shows, and watch-
        worth of dogfood for all 17 adult dogs.   Honestly, my years of collecting rare   ing our  dogs compete with the best
        We  were  good,  or  so  we  thought.  plants, and connecting  with peo-   dogs our co-exhibitors have to offer,
                                              ple who  are  in the  same business,   but more importantly, what we miss is
                                              helped  us  financially  through  the  cri-  the camaraderie. The people who be-
        HOW  DID  YOU COPE                    sis. My  husband’s construction  busi-  came our good friends there, the time
        WITH          THE         ECQ?        ness  was  severely  affected,  and  my   we spend after the show, whether we
                                              family’s restaurant  was directly af-  win or lose, is the most priceless trophy
        All was well, and nobody really       fected and had to lay off employees.        anyone can receive.
        expected  it would last that  long.  A
        month in the lockdown, we knew we                                              For now, we focus on how to
        had  to  do  something,  human  food   So every plant we sold, we were able   pick-up the pieces and continue to
        was easy, but our dogs, being used to   to buy dog food, food for our family,   stay healthy. God bless us all.
        kibbles, we had found an alternative   and our daily needs, enough for us to
        since we only had a few bags left. So we   come by. Recently, things are slightly
        had to properly ration the kibbles and   going back to normal, and people
        added boiled chicken meat and some    are able to go back to physical work,
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