P. 52

“The pandemic

                                                         has made people

                                                           place their focus

                                                               more on pets”

                                                    ROSE KANG

                                                    POMERANIAN OWNE R /EXHIBITOR

                                              HOW DID YOU PREPARE AS                  management was on top of our
                                               A DOG OWNER AND EX-                    agenda since only few establish-
                                                 HIBITOR FOR THE ECQ?                 ments were open. It meant more
                                                                                    time spent queuing in supermarkets
                                              Everyone  was  caught  flat-footed  by   and markets. We had to do all things
                                              the severity of the Covid 19 virus. Be-  in advance and buy what is really
                                              cause of the lockdown, my dogs can-   essential not only for us but especially
                   Time                              not go out to walk and            for my pets, that needed their
                  management                  exercise. Hence, they gained unwant-              pet food.
                  was on top of               ed weight.  Then,  not  all clinics were
                  our agenda                  open to attend to sick dogs. So, it was    HOW DID THE NEW
                  since only few              all hands on deck for me to fill in the   NORMAL AFFECT YOU
                  establishments                 void caused by this pandemic.                AS A DOG
                  were open                                                             OWNER/EXHIBITOR?
                                              HOW DID YOU COPE WITH                The pandemic has made people place
                                                         THE ECQ?                  their focus more on pets, perhaps be-
                                              I found out how hard life was during   cause they have fewer things to do at
                                                   the lockdown period. Time       home.  Many inquired about Golden
                                                                                   Retriever puppies  from me, but my
                                                                                   kennel doesn’t breed them right now.
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