P. 59
Issue Recap
required me to travel from
one place to the other and
movement was closely mon-
itored and controlled by At that at any given time, we
the government authorities. might lose everything that we
have, material, wealth, and
Despite this, I remained calm every single possession. This
and positive. I have to look at new normal has brought me for a while, and I get to train
the brighter side of things with closer to God. It taught me to them from time to time. This
a silver lining. That for every risk, put my faith in Him and to offer setup has also provided me
there is always opportunity. everything for His greater glory. ample time to bond with the
I am grateful for my support- dogs and get to know them
ive clients, who later became “New normal” training had to better. I guess I have to settle
good friends and always be done. Session must enforce with this kind of setup for now.
made sure that I am okay. I lesser interaction with the The Covid-19 pandemic
appreciate their efforts for owners since we needed to demonstrated to us the val-
asking if I needed anything. distance ourselves from each ue of freedom – the freedom
In all honesty, I discovered other. Fortunately, we’re a bit to move, be with those we
during this crisis whom to ask advanced in technology now. love, live in dignity and secu-
for help, whom to depend Currently, I take videos and rity – for ourselves and those
on, whose shoulder to cry on. photos of the dogs while train- around us, from our loved
Not concerned about being ing them, send these videos to ones to the refugees and
labeled as dramatic or senti- the owners, and discuss what the refugees downtrodden.
mental, my heart melted, and needs to be done to improve I am waiting for that day when
I was overwhelmed knowing the dog’s condition. Further, everything will get back to nor-
that I was treated and com- I have been accepting dogs mal. Hopefully, soon, fully con-
forted not only as a handler for boarding wherein the own- scious of all the valuable les-
but as part of one big fami- ers let the dogs stay with me sons that Covid-19 has given us.
ly. This experience was truly
indeed priceless and made
the pandemic bearable.
Indeed, if we care for an-
imals, we show them love,
care and affection their
humans will reciprocate.
The pandemic has greatly
affected me in many ways.
The sad experience has
humbled me more, know-
ing that the things we are
enjoying now are not per- 57
manent. These shall pass.