P. 58

Enhanced Community Quar-             I assess myself and realize           HOW DID YOU
        antine  (ECQ)  was  declared?        that there’s still so much to
        In all truthfulness, I wasn’t pre-   be thankful for. I just need-         COPE                  WITH
        pared to face this pandemic.         ed    to   embrace,      accept,
        And I categorically believe          and adapt to the changes              THE                 ECQ?
        that  none  of  us  was  ready       brought by this dreadful virus.
        for  its  impact.  All  plans  were                                        I have to admit it was very
        cancelled, as were all shows.         Although there were times            hard. The first few months were
        Personally, my means of liv-         that I was already on the brink       a bit shaky. I had to be away
        ing was at risk, my bread and        of giving up, I have asked my-        from my family since they had
        butter, and most importantly,        self and pondered whether or          to  leave  for  Hawaii.  I  was  left
        my passion for handling was          not I should continue my han-         alone in the Philippines, and
        put  on  hold  for  the  moment.     dling career. It never came           during this period of uncer-
                                             across my mind to stop doing          tainty and fear, all my clients
        But what can I do? This situation,   what I love to do, showing and        stopped the training sessions.
        this crisis is beyond my control.    presenting dogs in the most           I was jobless. I had to cancel
        It was beyond human control.         effective, efficient, and enjoy-      all our training sessions since it
                                             able, and engaging way I can.

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