Page 31 - Sept Issue 2019
P. 31

Annabel Villacorte

      In contrast to her two other co-retirees, Annabel opted to enjoy her single-blessedness

      all through these years. She supported her close relatives and saw some of them
      through college. She also devoted most of her time to her job doing most of the tasks

      that would entail working until odd hours such as when guest international judges have
      to be looked after during PCCI sponsored events. As a consequence, she is one of the
      most remembered PCCI staff as far as foreign guests are concerned. Dedication, after

      all, will get its due recognition, one way or the other.

      After retirement, she served as a consultant of the PCCI for its Publication Committee
      until she has sufficiently trained her understudy. Currently, she has been helping in
      running some events not only for PCCI but for a number of PCCI Affiliated Clubs.

      Retired she may be, but still very much around.

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