Page 27 - Sept Issue 2019
P. 27

T         he PCCI was formally organized 56

                  years ago in 1963. In its five and
                  a half decades of existence, it has
                  seen the membership grow from
        a handful to tens of thousands. From a few
        puppies registered annually, the numbers
        have risen to close to one hundred thousand.
        From being just a typical Mom-and-Pop
        operation with permanent employees whose
        numbers may be counted on a single hand,
        it has evolved to a professionally managed
        organization with a set of elected Board of
        Directors and a total of 22 regular and 3                                                Bebot
        contractual employees.

        The Club started with a few employees
        whose number grew minimally for almost
        twenty years. Eventually, as the Club began
        to grow in terms of membership, registration
        and activities, the number of employees
        followed suit. Employee movements were
        experienced along the way but majority of
        the employees, once hired, opted to stay for

        The past few years saw the first three
        employees retiring with full benefits from
        the PCCI, the organization that they have
        served with loyalty. The corporation which
        they, together with their co-employees and                                        Annabel
        the PCCI Board of Directors and executive
        officers nurtured through the years, has
        become the success that it is now.

        These three ladies have been like fairy
        godmothers to the PCCI. They oversaw its
        development over several decades, making
        personal sacrifices along the way when
        necessary to ensure that the job gets
        done right.

        First to retire was Virginia “Bebot” Fernandez
        back in 2013. She was followed by Annabel
        Villacorte in 2018. This year, Shirley
        Tumamao joined her two former officemates
        and friends in the retirees’ circle.                                                       Shirley

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