Page 31 - 3rd-quarter-2017
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Another controversial activity, though
the name may evoke images of sled dogs
like Huskies and Malamutes, it’s actually a
much broader sport that covers a variety
of breeds, environments, and climates.
Often a controversial activity, it’s
pretty much a self-explanatory sport.
Dogs are placed on a track of some
sort, and are released at the same
time to run down the track towards
a finish line. Races are done by breed, SLED DOG RACE -
and rules and settings vary from breed The Iditarod is the most well-known
to breed, but the basic formula is the example of this race. It’s a long
same. distance race run every March in Alaska, with teams of mushers who
story/4215530/injuries-dog-the-battling- start the race with 12- 16 dogs each.
industry/ Dogs are continuously monitored by
vets at various checkpoints throughout
the competition, and are taken out of
WATER SPORTS - the race at any sign of injury or illness.
Mushers must finish with at least 5
Another self-explanatory category, racing dogs, and cannot add to their original
activities abound for dogs of all kinds team.
and sizes to enjoy the water. Below are
some of them. (Retriever trials may DRYLAND/URBAN MUSHING
also be considered as water sports.)
No snow or snow dogs needed, this
activity typically involves a cart, and
just two dogs at the most. There are
a number of variations, and much
http://darkroom.baltimoresun. shorter distances are involved and can
com/2013/09/sept-30-photo-brief- be done throughout the year, with any
mourning-kenyan-mall-attack-victims- dog who’s able to pull a sled or a cart.
Dogs compete by jumping off a dock ifss-dryland-world-championships-
into water, being judged either on bristol-qc-canada/
distance jumped, or on height attained SKIJORING -
when jumping. Dogs are grouped by
size, although bigger dogs are the most A cross- country skier is pulled by one
common competitors. to three dogs by way of a specially
made harness, and dogs can only be
controlled by their handlers’ voices
and directions. Generally, a sport for
bigger dogs, particularly those who enjoy pulling.
Created specifically for the
Newfoundland, though there are other
retriever breeds that also participate, WEIGHT PULLING -
this is more a test and certification
rather than a competition. Dogs Involves dogs pulling a cart loaded
progress through levels of training, with weights along a short distance on
both in obedience and in working with various surfaces. Dogs are grouped by
their handler, with the ultimate goal size and weight, and are only allowed
being certified to be able to work as up to certain weights based on their
rescue dogs. division. They wear specially designed harnesses made to distribute the
pin/357684395391542261/ weight evenly to minimize the risk of
injury. Generally, sled dogs and bull
breeds excel in this sport. Dogs are
scored on both weight pulled and time it takes to reach the target.
Of all the sports listed above, PCCI offers Conformation, Agility, Flyball, Obedience, and some disciplines of Protection. If you’re
interested in learning more about them, you’re welcome to call or email PCCI. at 721-8345 &