Page 30 - 3rd-quarter-2017
P. 30

TREIBBALL -                                               RETRIEVER TRIALS -
                                  Balls are used in place of sheep. Dogs                    Used primarily for Retrievers and
                                  must “herd” eight large balls (18-                        Spaniels, these  are  conducted  to
                                  30 inches) to a soccer goal, within                       simulate conditions identical or similar
                                  a predefined set of time, usually 15                      to a typical day game hunting, going back
                                  minutes. The balls are set in a triangle,                 to the breeds’ original purposes. These
                                  billiards style, and the handler is only                  trials are done both in the field and in the
                                  allowed to stay in a confined area.                       water, and typically occur during hunting
                                  Handlers must direct the dogs using                       season as live game is a requirement.    only whistles, verbal commands and
      watch?v=wREWKq8izyg         hand signals.       

       PROTECTION SPORTS -                                       HOUND TRAILING -
                                  A number of disciplines with varying                      Racing done only in Britain, hounds
                                  rules and exercises, all of which                         follow an  artificial  trail  laid  across  the
                                  are formulated to test  a dog’s                           countryside. It’s done completely off
                                  temperament and stability, as well                        lead, and no human intervention is
                                  as its ability to protect itself and its                  allowed whilst the race is going on. First
                                  handler.  The  tests  all,  somewhat,                     dog to get over the finish line, wins.
                                  emulate the procedures used by
                                  police dogs. The more well-known
                                  disciplines include Belgian Ring,  French Ring,  Mondio Ring and  IPO.
      behavior/sports-and-activities  Exercises include heeling, obedience,
                                  and bite work, and retrieval, among

       HUNTING/TRACKING SPORTS -                                 LURE COURSING -
                                  Probably the biggest group of sports, it                  Typically a sport only for sighthounds
                                  covers a variety of activities that can be                (though some organizations have
                                  done with specific breeds or groups, as                   open classes for all dogs.) Dogs chase
                                  well as dogs of any breed or even mixed                   a mechanical lure over a course set
                                  breed dogs. Below are just some of                        with a pattern intended to emulate
                                  those activities.                                         the movement of live game (rabbit or
                                                                                            hare.)  Courses are usually at least 550                                               meters long, and can extend to more
      ssf/2010/09/police_dogs_are_sought-               than a kilometer. Courses have turns to
      after_c.html                                              news/                       simulate the movement of game, and
                                                                                            may incorporate jumps and hurdles as

       EARTHDOG TRIALS -                                         NOSEWORK -
                                  Designed  for  small  terriers  or                        A sport created to emulate the tasks
                                  Dachshunds,  dogs  are  placed  in  man-                  of detection dogs. A dog must find
                                  made  tunnels  that  they  must  navigate                 a hidden target scent, and alert its
                                  towards a “quarry,” a live rat they must                  handler once it has done so. It often
                                  scent to follow to the source. They                       has to work around distractions like
                                  must exhibit specific behaviors, such                     food or toys. There are increasing
                                  as barking, scratching or digging once                    levels of proficiency and qualification,  they have found the quarry. The quarry          starting with one scent, and adding
                                  is protected always, and the hunt is                      one subsequently.
                                  carefully supervised so that no harm
                                  comes to either the dogs or the quarry.
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