Page 29 - 3rd-quarter-2017
P. 29

JUMPING -                                                 SHORT DISTANCE -
                                  A course comprised entirely of jump                       Teams have a minute to complete
                                  obstacles. Otherwise, same rules as                       as many catches as they can over a
                                  with traditional agility apply.                           progressing distance on a marked
                                                                                            field. Only a single flying disc is used,
                                                                                            and a dog is awarded points based on
                                                                                            distance, as well as if a dog is airborne as
                                                                                            the catch is made.

       HOOPERS -                                                 FREESTYLE -

                                  A course is made entirely out of hoops,                   Similar  to  Musical  Freestyle,  a  handler
                                  which a dog must follow in order. -                       composes a routine, often to music, of
                                                                                            up to two minutes. Various styles of
                                                                                            catching are employed, and a handler can
                                                                                            use as many discs as they want. Judging is
                                                                                            subjective, variable on accuracy, aesthetics
                                                                                            and the athleticism involved.


       FLYBALL -                                                 LONG DISTANCE -
                                  Teams of four dogs race against each
                                  other, relay style, over a line of hurdles                Rules vary, but as the name implies,
                                  to a box they must step on for it to                      generally the longest distance caught
                                  release a tennis ball. Once one dog                       disc wins.
                                  has gotten a ball, it must return the ball
                                  to the handler so the next dog can be
                                  released. They must not drop the ball,
                                  and would have to run again if they do.
                                  First team to get all four dogs to the box  and back wins.

       DISC DOG -                                                HERDING -
                                  Dogs and handlers compete in different                    Practiced in countries where dogs are
                                  disciplines using flying discs, testing their             used for herding. Dogs move stock
                                  bond with each other and their ability to                 (sheep) around a field, that may have
                                  work in tandem.                                           gates, enclosures, and fences. Rules
                                                                                            vary in each country, but generally
                                                                                            one  or  two  dogs  are  involved,  and
                                                                                            the number of sheep is usually three
                                                                                            to six. Time and obedience are the
                                                                                            key points being judged. Though it is  usually only for herding breeds, some
                                                                science/1113221898/sheepdogs-use-two-  organizations accept the entry of any
                                                                rules-to-herd-082814/       dog that has the ability to move stock.
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