Page 28 - 3rd-quarter-2017
P. 28

Dog Sports

         By: Talia Galvez
         Broadly, the term “dog sports” can pretty much meant just any activity dogs can participate in. However, for the purposes of  this
              article, I will attempt to categorize the various activities into discrete groups, and give a brief  explanation or definition.

       CONFORMATION -                                            FREESTYLE HEELING -
                                  This is the activity most commonly                        A handler composes a routine
                                  available here in the Philippines.                        involving different positions and
                                  Conformation showing involves the                         variations of heeling, set to music. A
                                  exhibition of dogs, ranging from a                        dog must stay close to their handler
                                  single breed to different breeds within                   at all times, as the term “heeling”
                                  a single group with similar purposes                      implies.
                                  (10 groups in total), to an all-breed
                                  show, with various breeds representing
                                  all the different groups competing. A
                                  judge considered knowledgeable of  dog standards will evaluate each dog,
                                  and judge them against their respective   heel-to-music/
                                  standards, awarding certifications, up to  MUSICAL FREESTYLE -
                                  a Best in Show, as he or she sees fit.                    Similar to freestyle heeling in that a
                                                                                            handler also composes a routine to music,
                                                                                            it varies in that it also incorporates other
                                                                                            obedience commands and tricks. They are
                                                                                            not limited to just heeling, and can move
       JUNIOR HANDLING -                                                                    away from their handler.
                                  (also  known  as Junior  Showmanship)
                                  also falls under conformation. However,
                                  it varies from regular conformation
                                  shows as it’s the handlers who are
                                  judged. Handlers are considered “junior
                                  handlers” if they are below 18 years old.
                                  In competition, they are often divided by
                                  age groups, and by breed size. They are
                                  judged on their presentation skills, and
                                  on how well the JH can follow a judge’s
                                  instruction, as well as how well they
                                  interact with the dog they are handling.
                                  At times, they can also be asked to
                                  switch dogs with other JH’s dogs, to see
                                  how well they can cope with handling  ujo4oXm37md4z6R4EdLLlx7R
                                  dogs unfamiliar to them.                     RALLY OBEDIENCE -
      handling/getting-started-in-junior-                                                   A handler and dog must navigate a
      handling-stakes/                                                                      course preset by a judge, with signs
                                                                                            posted with obedience commands
       OBEDIENCE SPORTS -                                                                   at different stations. They must
                                                                                            stop at each station and execute the
                                  Sports wherein a dog and handler must                     command posted there.
                                  work together in tandem to showcase
                                  the handler’s ability in training  his/her
                                  dog, and the dog’s ability to follow the
                                  commands with ease and precision.

                                                                 AGILITY -
                                                                                            A handler has to guide and direct the dog,                                                   whilst off lead, through a preset obstacle
                                                                                            course they must memorize. Handlers
                                                                                            are permitted a brief walk-through of
                                                                                            the course prior to the start of the trial
                                                                                            to learn the run. They are judged on both
       OBEDIENCE TRIALS -                                                                   time and accuracy. Obstacles comprise of
                                                                                            jumps, tunnels, weave poles, tables, and
                                  A handler is given obedience commands                     contact obstacles. Some organizations also
                                  that his dog is expected to execute. There                use hoops.
                                  are three levels of OB trials, with increasing
                                  difficulty:  Obedience  Championship,
                                  Companion Dog, and finally, Utility Dog. The
                                  difficulty and number of commands increase
                                  with  each  level  of  competition  Commands
                                  and exercises include sit, down, stay, long sit,
                                  long down, stay with absence of handler, and
                                  heeling, both on and off lead.
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