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3.    A Breeder shall at all times breed for the improvement of
          the breed as exemplifi ed by the PCCI breed standard.   3.   A Professional Handler shall abide by all published PCCI
                                                                   rules applying to registration and dog shows.
      4.    A Breeder breeds only animals that are in good health
          and which are physically and temperamentally sound.   4.   A Professional Handler shall conduct his business
                                                                   relationships with clients in a fair and honest manner, based on a
      5.    A Breeder strives to produce puppies of such quality that   pre-announced and mutually agreed upon rate schedule and handler/
          they will serve to improve and complement the breed and, in good faith,   client agreement.
          avoid breeding individuals known to have, or are strongly suspected of
          having, a serious inherited disease or defect that will likely be passed   5.   A Professional Handler shall provide his clients with
          on to offspring and that, if inherited, would signifi cantly affect the quality   their ribbons, trophies and information about their dogs’ placements at
          of life of any offspring that would be produced.         each show in a timely manner.
      6.   A Breeder must represent each puppy sold as accurately   6.   A Professional Handler shall provide his clients with
          as possible.                                             itemized monthly billing statements, if applicable.
      7.   A Breeder must be willing to act as a mentor to persons    7.   A Professional Handler shall ensure that his clients
          with whom they place puppies and encourage an open dialog for the life   thoroughly understand payment and release terms.
          of the dog.
                                                                8.   A Professional Handler shall confi rm with any previous
                                                                   handler of a new or prospective client that a valid outstanding balance
      Conduct as an Exhibitor                                      does not exist, and will not handle any dogs for a client with a valid
      The PCCI organizes various events that showcase outstanding purebred dog   outstanding balance with a previous professional handler.
      characteristics to promote greater awareness among its breeder members.
      It also stages or participates in other events that exhibit other valuable   Conduct as a Judge
      canine characteristics to heighten their appreciation and increase overall   Dog events, being mostly competitive in character require the application of
      public awareness, with the ultimate goal of broadening the love for dogs.   a judging procedure to determine how each competitor eventually gets
      Members who participate in such events are known as Exhibitors. Exhibitors   ranked or how a participant meets a prescribed standard of performance.
      may personally handle or show their own dogs or opt to hire professional   In both situations, the presence of an individual(s) who has been suffi ciently
      handlers to do so. An Exhibitor must show good sportsmanship and good   trained to apply the appropriate judging procedure and assess the degree
      will at all dog-related events organized by the PCCI, its Affi liated Clubs, or   to which the standards are being met becomes a necessity.  Thus, the need
      which it co-organized or participated in. Winning and losing with grace is the   for the Judge who must be knowledgeable about the task at hand, who has
      minimum standard of good sportsmanship and all forms of competition. Good   the appropriate skills to carry out the job given the social and environmental
      sportsmanship and general civility are consistent. The Exhibitor must, during   pressures, and most of all, the integrity and the credibility to  dispense fair
      such events, display adherence to fair play, honesty, courtesy, and vigorous   and honest judgement over the competitors or participants.
      competition, whether inside or outside of the ring.
                                                                A judge must ensure that his behavior in dog-related events or situations
      1.    An Exhibitor shall primarily be concerned with the health   shall not cast a shadow of doubt on his ability to dispense fair, rational and
          and welfare of his dogs in and out of the ring.  Further, he shall devote   objective judgement and should be mindful to always create a level playing
          extra effort to make sure that his exhibit’s health and welfare are looked   fi eld for the competitors in the event where he is adjudicating.
          after from the time it leaves its residence to the time it goes back.
          He shall ensure that the exhibit is safely transported, has access to   1.   A Judge shall act with professional decorum at all times.
          feed and/or water, as appropriate, is not unduly exposed to situations,
          persons or other exhibits that could cause it harm.   2.   A Judge shall give every exhibit and exhibitor fair and
                                                                   equal opportunity in each and every class.
      2.    An Exhibitor shall respect and follow all rules on
          Exhibiting and Showing as prescribed by the PCCI.     3.   A Judge shall act in a polite manner while carrying out
                                                                   each judging assignment.
      3.    An Exhibitor shall always be courteous to fellow
          Exhibitors, Professional Handlers and to the Judge(s).   4.   A Judge shall present himself in attire that satisfi es the
                                                                   dress code prescribed by the PCCI Judging Committee.  Such attire
      4.    An Exhibitor shall clean after his Exhibit and assist in   must also be acceptable, appropriate and comfortable for each judging
          maintaining cleanliness and orderliness in the event venue.   assignment.
      5.    An Exhibitor shall observe proper decorum at all times   5.   A Judge shall punctually report to the show chairman to
          during an event. He shall wear the acceptable attire, per PCCI   fulfi l his judging assignment.
          guidelines, when inside the ring.
                                                                6.   A Judge must excuse from the competition an exhibit
      6.    An Exhibitor shall accept constructive criticism.      which, at any time during the judging procedure, shows an obvious
                                                                   physical impediment or qualities that are considered disqualifi cation in
      7.    An Exhibitor shall decline to enter or exhibit under a   the exhibit’s breed standard, cannot be handled or may be regarded as
          judge where it might reasonably appear that the judge’s placements   vicious.
          could be based on something other than the merits of the dogs.
                                                                7.   A Judge shall not enter or exhibit any dog at any
      8.    An Exhibitor shall refuse to compromise the impartiality of   Conformation Show if said show is being held with another show at
          a judge. He shall,                                       which he is appointed to judge, if the former is being held on the same
                                                                   weekend, at the same venue, by the same organizing club or where the
           - Make sure that he will not enter the ring of a Judge who was the   entries for both shows are printed on a single catalog.
           breeder of his exhibit.
                                                                8.   A Judge shall excuse from competition any exhibitor (and
           - Make sure that he shall not offer any information to the Judge to   his exhibit), who offers information to the Judge that may be regarded
           infl uence the latter’s decision.                        as designed to infl uence the latter’s decision. He should report the
                                                                   incident to the Chairman of the PCCI Show Committee.
           - Make sure that he will not offer any inducements to the Judge to
           infl uence the latter’s decision.                     9.   A Judge shall report to the Chairman of the PCCI Show
      9.    An Exhibitor must not smoke, drink alcohol or use a    Committee if he is approached to favor or disfavor a particular exhibit.
          mobile phone while showing inside the ring.
                                                                10.  A Judge shall report the matter in writing to the Chairman
      Conduct as a Professional Handler                            of the PCCI Show Committee if he is approached with an inducement
      Showcasing a dog’s attributes in various events organized or participated in   and/or bribe to advantage or disadvantage an exhibit.
      by PCCI has always involved human involvement.  An individual who handles
      participating dogs and who receives fi nancial compensation for doing so is   11.  A Judge shall not smoke, drink alcohol or use his mobile
      known as a Professional Handler.                             phone to make or receive calls while inside the ring.
      The Professional Handler, performs the role of the Exhibitor in showing the   12.  A Judge shall not criticize by act or word the work of
      dog but for a fee.  He therefore must, in addition to meeting the minimum   other judges, nor offer criticism of any previously judged dog(s) to
      acceptable behavior required of an Exhibitor, also ensure that he shall   anyone including other offi ciating judges during the course of the show,
      conduct himself according to the additional guidelines stated below:   except for authorized ringside mentoring.
      1.    A Professional Handler must ensure that the welfare of   13.  A Judge shall judge exhibits in accordance with their
          the dogs in his care is a priority, not only at dog shows but at home and          relevant breed standard.
          on the road. He shall place their well-being, security, and safety above
          all other business considerations. He has ultimate responsibility for the   14.  A Judge shall not read the show catalogue of the show
          dogs under his care.                                      he is judging before he has fi nished judging all his  assigned classes
                                                                    for that show.
      2.   A Professional Handler shall conduct himself in a
          sportsmanlike manner at all times in his relationships with fellow   15.   A Judge shall not solicit judging assignments.
          handlers, assistants, exhibitors, judges and clients, which includes
          courteous verbal interchanges and a professional appearance.
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