P. 38

The Philippine Canine Club, Inc. (PCCI) is an organization with a tradition   Conduct as a Board of Director and as an Offi  cer
      of service to its various stakeholders.  As a registry for purebred dogs, it has   The members of the Board of Directors and those that function additionally
      continually worked with values such as integrity and accountability.  Being   as offi cers exercise the critical stewardship functions for the PCCI.  They set
      an organizer and active participant of various events, most of which are   and model the values and key ethical directions that the organization must
      competitive in character, that promote the love for purebred dogs in particular   observe in order to remain socially relevant while at the same time continue
      and all dogs in general, it holds sacred the value of sportsmanship and fair   to support the  love for purebred dogs that has been PCCI’s starting point
      play.  Such values underpin this Code of Ethics and Conduct.   and remains to be the main rationale for its existence.
      The Code of Ethics and Conduct shall serve as a guide that members of the   1.   Members of the Board of Directors as well as PCCI’s
      Philippine Canine Club, Inc. may follow in performing their roles as purebred   offi cers shall avoid situations of confl icts of interest or impropriety.
      dog lovers, club offi cers, breeders, exhibitors, professional handlers and   Those who have personal or pecuniary interest on any business
      judges. It is understood that membership with the PCCI means that an   organization with which the Corporation has an existing or intended
      individual completely understands and fully accepts the Code of Ethics and   transaction shall fully disclose the relevant facts of the situation ahead
      Conduct  and that, its violation, or that of the Constitution and By-laws, and   of their appointment or before the start of any negotiation or discussion
      applicable Rules and Regulations, may result to disciplinary action which   that may lead to a business transaction between PCCI and the
      may, depending on the gravity of the violation, lead to suspension or even   enterprise in question.
      expulsion from the Club as provided for by the Constitution and Bylaws.
                                                                2.   Directors and offi cers shall deal fairly with PCCI’s prospective, current
      Basic Values                                                      or previous members; suppliers; the government; competitor(s) and
      The PCCI shall live with these foremost values:
      Service Orientation                                               other affi liated organizations both local and international
      Sportsmanship and Fair play                               3.   Directors and offi cers shall not take undue advantage of their position
      Accountability and Sense of Responsibility                        through misrepresentation of material facts, concealment, manipulation,
                                                                        or any other form of unfair dealing practice
      Conduct as a Member
      Any individual who loves or is interested in purebred dogs and who is willing   4.   Directors and offi cers shall treat everyone with respect
      to abide and be bound by the  Constitution and By-Laws of the PCCI, its   and act in good faith and with integrity and sense of professionalism at
      applicable Rules and Regulations, and its Code of Ethics and Conduct, may   all times.
      apply and be accepted as a member, and subsequently enjoy the rights and
      privileges of membership.                                 5.   Directors and offi cers shall not accept gifts or invitations
                                                                   of any form from any supplier, customer or business partner of the
      1.   A member shall comply with the Rules and Regulations of      PCCI, or from any third person or entity with existing or intended
            the Philippine Canine Club, Inc., its Constitution and   business dealings with the PCCI, except when the gift or invitation is:
            By-laws and the Code of Ethics and Conduct.
                                                                       ▪ directly attributable to purely familial or personal
      2.   A member shall conduct himself in a manner that refl ects                       relationships
            positively on his person, the breed(s) that he keeps, the        ▪ only of nominal value
            Affi liated Club that he is a member of, the Board of       ▪ a simple promotional item or is part of the supplier’s
            Directors and various committees of the PCCI.                         public relations program; or
                                                                       ▪ part of business meetings or discussions.
      3.   A member shall not knowingly or recklessly misrepresent   6.    Directors and offi cers shall conduct business in
            the PCCI or its Affi liated Clubs.,                     accordance with Philippine laws and regulations.
      4.   A member shall not make false or misleading statements     7.    Directors and offi cers shall strictly observe company
            concerning his breed or other breeds or breeders.      rules that provide for restrictions to access to classifi ed information
                                                                   and controls on the release of such information to other companies,
      5.   A member shall constantly strive to improve his knowledge of his   agencies, parties or to the general public. They shall maintain the
            chosen breed or breeds, and his knowledge of the requirements   integrity of all company documents and records and protect them
            for the care, welfare and betterment of dogs.          against unauthorized or improper alteration, forgery, concealment or
      6.   A member shall ensure that all dogs under his care
            are properly controlled, housed, fed, watered, exercised,   8.    Directors and offi cers shall be responsible for the proper use of all
            groomed, socialized and appropriately trained, and     company assets and resources, which include, but are not limited to,
            receive veterinary care as required.                   information, facilities, equipment, software, vehicles and supplies owned
      7.   A member who leaves a dog owned by him, and             or leased by PCCI or are otherwise in its possession, They shall use
            registered under his name,  in the care of another person   company assets and resources effi ciently, responsibly and for legitimate
                                                                   business purposes only.
            shall remain ultimately responsible for that dog until the
            registration of the dog has been fi nally transferred to the
            other person as refl ected on the date of transfer at   Conduct as a Breeder
            the back of the registration certifi cate.              Being fi rst and foremost a purebred dog Registry, the PCCI recognizes
                                                                   the key role that its members who breed dogs play in the promotion
      8.   A member shall positively enhance the reputation of dog     of the love for purebred dogs.  The Registry was created to serve
            owners by ensuring that dogs owned by the member are      the Breeders who in turn, must exercise diligence, self-discipline and
            not a danger or a nuisance to the community.           honesty to help ensure the Registry’s integrity. The Breeders are
                                                                   likewise expected to exhibit responsibility for their breeding efforts
      9.   A member shall not participate in nor support any activity     as well as ensure that they treat their breeding dogs and puppies
            that involves cruelty or injury and/or harm to dogs, and in   humanely at all times.
            relation with dogs to other animals.
                                                                1.    A Breeder shall make every effort to learn about the
      10.  A member shall refrain from the use of any slanderous or     structure, anatomy, action, inherited traits and behavior of the dog,
             defaming statements or innuendo against another       especially where such learning applies to his chosen breed or breeds.
             breeder, a specifi c dog/kennel, the PCCI or its affi liated
             clubs, and Judges, on any public forum including social   2.    A Breeder shall educate himself to recognize the correct
             media. Use of social media to disparage the PCCI or any    conformation of his chosen breed or breeds, familiarizing himself with
             PCCI member will be viewed as an overt act prejudicial   the PCCI breed standard and representative dogs, prior to breeding a
             to the PCCI and to the dog sport and will not be tolerated     stud dog or a brood bitch.
             and will be appropriately sanctioned.
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