Page 41 - 2nd Quarter 2018
P. 41


                         Balancing the Budget                   chilled or frozen semen? Experienced stud dog owners will be
                                                                able to provide you with a copy of the results of a semen analy-
            From stud fees to pre-breeding reproductive exams, as well  sis, and if AI, they should also be able to tell you how well it
         as specialized nutritional needs for the brood bitch and the pup-  transports fresh chilled or frozen.
         pies, there is much to include when calculating the bottom line.     The report should show a desirable sperm count of 250 million
         Stud fees may range from $500 to $5,000, depending on a mul-  sperm cells or more per ejaculate. The raw motility and extended
         titude of factors.                                     motility (normally reported as the percentage of sperm that appear
            A  successful  breeder                                                            to  demonstrate  normal
         does not under-value the                                                             movement  when  exam-
         importance of a pre-breed-                     “The money spent (somewhere between   ined under a microscope)
         ing  health  exam,  espe-                      $100 and $750) on a reproductive health  are critical considerations
         cially  if  the  breeder  has                  exam  prior  to  breeding  can  save  you  when transporting semen
         reason to believe that the                     much more than money should the litter  for insemination. An ejac-
         bitch could have problems                      be lost while the bitch is in whelp.”  ulate with a normal motil-
         conceiving  or  if  she  has                                                         ity of 70% is considered
         previously  failed  to  de-                                                          good. Information on the
         liver  living  puppies. Ac-                                                          semen’s morphology (the
         cording to Dr. Milan Hess,                                                           percentage of sperm that
         DVM,  a  Board  Certified                                                            appear  to  have  a  normal
         Reproductive  Specialist                                                             shape) should also be pro-
         and  Diplomate  to  the                                                              vided. An  ejaculate  with
         American College of The-                                                             normal  morphology  of
         riogenologists,  “A  pre-                                                            80% is considered good.
         breeding health check will                                                               If the brood bitch has
         confirm  that  the  brood                                                            previously  experienced
         bitch  is  in  good  overall                                                         any difficulty or if you ex-
         condition  and  healthy                                                              pect  some  level  of  diffi-
         enough  to  conceive  and                                                            culty, you should seriously
         deliver a litter, but it also                                                        consider a natural breed-
         includes  an  examination                                                            ing to a stud dog possess-
         of the reproductive tract,” and “The money spent (somewhere  ing a high fertility rate. Whether conducting a natural breeding
         between $100 and $750) on a reproductive health exam prior to  or opting for artificial insemination, it is important to time the
         breeding can save you much more than money should the litter  ovulation  with  the  semen  delivery  in  order  to  maximize  the
         be lost while the bitch is in whelp”. Here are just a few of the  chance of conception.
         associated costs that should be planned for vaginal cytology,
         $25 to $50; luteinizing hormone testing, $50 to $100; proges-            Being Purposeful
         terone (quantitative) testing, between $65 and $150. “An ultra-
         sound pregnancy diagnosis will cost the breeder between $100     Breeding purposefully means staying focused on your goals
         and $200”, said Dr. Hess, “and if necessary, a caesarean section  and what’s important, and not letting yourself get distracted.
         will add $500 to $3,000 (depending on the time of day and  That is becoming more difficult in a society which is increas-
         whether the surgery is performed by a general vet or at a spe-  ingly designed to distract us. Distraction are obstacles to achiev-
         cialty hospital) to the cost of producing the litter”.  ing our breeding aims.
            These costs do not even include eye and heart checks or an     Purposeful breeding requires that you ask yourself, “Why am
         OFA hip evaluation. “Hopefully, health testing is done. We have  I breeding?” Having very specific expectations for the puppies
         so many tests now that hips, hearts and eyes are just a drop in  born in the litter will guide you in making a realistic selection
         the bucket,” added Dr. Hess, and “Eye evaluations can typically  when it comes to choosing a sire that will give you the size, con-
         be performed at health clinics for $40 to $50. Heart evaluations  formation and temperament, etc., you desire in the puppies.
         may run $50-$400 depending on the need for an echocardio-     The number one mistake that many breeders make is focusing
         gram, and hip radiographs cost $200 to $500 depending on the  to much on the potential sire’s show ring win record. Please do
         size of the dog and the need for sedation.”            not forget that your bitch is contributing the other half of the
                                                                genes that will determine the quality of the puppies. Highly suc-
                        After the Why and Who                   cessful breeders consider the traits of conformation, tempera-
                                                                ment, intelligence and health in both the sire and dam.
            You must determine, How? Specifically, a natural breeding     It is important to remember that age can be an important factor.
         or by artificial insemination. If AI, then will you use fresh  “On average, the reproductive performance of a bitch generally
                                                                                                      continued on page 282
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