Page 37 - 2nd Quarter 2018
P. 37

Why did you choose Siberian Huskies  as a breed
                                                               over other purebreds?
                                                               Actually,  my  parents  started  breeding  and  showing  Siberians
                                                               during the year 2000, and since then I’ve been living and spending
                                                               most of my life with Siberians and I think that’s where I really fell
                                                               in love with them.
                                                               If someone would ask me now, I will still choose them compared
                                                               to  other  breeds…(well,  we  also  have  a  few  other  breeds).
                                                                Siberians will always have a special place in my heart; they are
                                                                  elegant in their own way. I like how independent they are and
                                                                   that they really know what they want. They are smart and
                                                                    they are happy dogs. They are full of energy and enthusiastic.
                                                                    Some  Siberians  are  sweet  and  cuddly.   With  regards  to
                                                                     their physical attributes, I like how strong they look but at
                                                                     the same time they are elegant.

                                                                   What would be your first advice to prospective
                                                                  Siberian Husky owners?
                                                               I always tell people that Siberians are not for every dog owner.
                                                               People who like or plan to have a Siberian should research
                                                               thoroughly about the breed and interview the responsible
                                                               breeders  of the breed. By interviewing or  asking questions
                                                               or  advice  from  them,  one  will  learn  the  techniques  and  the
                                                               experiences that these breeders have acquired. It is important
                                                               to know all the information about the breed so that they can
 Sidney Bascon                                                 legit articles and books about the breed, as it will help them
                                                               prepare for all the needs of the dog. I also tell people to read

                                                               understanding the breed as a whole. And one more important
                                                               thing is understand the breed standard very well.
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