Page 99 - PCCI First Quarter Magazine 2020
P. 99

animals     in   mind, w     ill       Substitute the object of each
        claim       total     victory.
                                               sentence lik e Brach ycephalic

        All  serious b reeders  of
        whatever b reed  must  rise            breeds f or "Communists",
        up  and  unite t o  protest            and so on. It will spell the
        this    move. I      r   ecall

        the     confession     of a            end of dog o wnership and in
        German L utheran  pastor,              the end, of all pet o wnership.
        Martin Niemoller in the Nazi
        era        who w         rote:         Let us no t all ow this to

        "They  came  first f or t he
        Communists,  and I  d idn't
        speak up because I wasn't

        a  Communist. T hen t hey
        came f or t he J ews,  and I
        didn't speak up because I
        wasn't  a  Jew. T hen t hey

        came f     or t   he    trade
        unionist, and I didn't speak
        up because I wasn't a
        trade unionist. They came

        for the Catholics, and I
        didn't speak up because I
        was a Protestant. Then
        they came for me, and by

        that time no one was left
        to speak up."

          Am. Phil. Ch.                          Phil. Ch.
          Dreamville Rock of Ages                Dreamville Stevie Wonder
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104