Page 96 - PCCI First Quarter Magazine 2020
P. 96


                                             It is indeed regrettable that    While it is acknowledged that
                                             the Dutch Kennel Club has        the brachycephalic syndrome
                                             decreed the ban on the 12        can be detrimental to an
                                             brachycephalic breeds            individual dog, the solution

                                             which was based on the           does not lie in crossbreeding.
                                             Dutch government's law           Instead, selective breeding
        What can you say                     banning these breeds. As         within the breed is the answer.
        about the recent                     breed specific legislation, it   Breeders must aim for more
        decision of the                                                       open nostrils and eliminate
        Dutch Kennel Club                    falls far short of scientific
        as a Pekingese                       evidence and it will do          from breeding programs any

        breeder?                             more harm to the dog             dog that exhibits this structural
                                             fancy in general. Many           abnormality.
                                             other breeds that are not
                                             brachycephalic, have far         The vast majority of Pekingese

                                             more and more serious            being shown do not exhibit
                                             genetic diseases than the        breathing difficulty. This is
                                             twelve breeds                    borne out of the UK Kennel
                                             being banned.                    Club's reporting system in
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