Page 103 - PCCI First Quarter Magazine 2020
P. 103

Maybe       Kennel      Clubs

                                                                                 should  write  through  the
                                                                                 Dutch Kennel Club to have
                                                                                 this  law  reconsidered.  To
                                                                                 make those lawmakers be
                                                                                 aware that this law affects

                                                                                 not only the Dutch breed-
                                                                                 ers  but  purebred  dogs  all
                                                                                 over the world. They should

                                                                                 not  accept  this  law  sitting
                                                                                 down      because       these
                                                                                 breeds  has  been  there
                                                                                 since time immemorial and
                                                                                 they must not alter the es-

                                                                                 sence of the breed. This is
                                                                                 tantamount    t   o   ruining
                                                                                 these  breeds  which  has
                                                                                 been  with  us  even  before

                                                                                 they        were        born.

                                             The  Dutch  Kennel  Club
                                             should        help        the
                                             Brachycephalic  breeders

                                             in  their  country.  Maybe
      What do you think                      they can go to court to file
      should be done to
      handle the situation?                  a  case  so  this  law  will  not
                                             be implemented. They can
                                             also  ask  FCI  for  more
                                             help  being  the  umbrella
                                             organization o f  the  pure-
                                             bred  dogs i n  the  world.

                                                                                Multi BIS Phil gr/ can ch Rylee
                                                                                PCCI TOP DOG 1993
   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108