P. 79
Last March 2019, the purebred dog fancy in the Philippines bid anyone; fi fteen years in total, from 1984 to 1985 and then again
goodbye to one of its most illustrious personalities, Roberto from 1988 to 2000. He also took upon his shoulders greater
“Bobby” Tesoro. responsibilities for the Club, one year as 1st Vice President in
1997 until he assumed the top post of President for three years
Born into one of the most affl uent families in Manila with a from 1998 to 2000.
proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, Bobby developed a taste for
most things fi ne and beautiful which of course includes purebred While he eventually became an internationally respected All-
dogs. Breed judge, his heart remained for his fi rst love which was the
doberman. He was very proud that he was a member of the
He was a consummate, to the point of being an obsessive Doberman Pinscher Club of America and fondly recalled many
collector of guns, wristwatches and knives. An audiophile at times over the satisfaction he got when he judged a Doberman
heart, he also collected rare aquarium fi shes, birds, and other Specialty Show in England, a few years back. He was also very
exotic pets. proud of the fact that he brought in and started the longest and
consistently winningest locally bred Doberman bloodline in the
He joined the PCCI in 1978 and immediately immersed himself Philippines.
in various affi liated club activities by being a member of the
Board of Directors of the Philippine Doberman Federation and as Bobby was survived by his loving partner Marlyn who shares
Secretary and 2nd Vice-President of the German Shepherd Dog his love for dogs and his only son Robi, who always brought a
Federation. twinkle in his father’s eye whenever the latter had the chance to
share the young man’s accomplishments.
After six years of becoming a PCCI member, he then began one
of the longest stints of serving as a member of the Board for Farewell Bobby, we will miss your wry sense of humor.