Page 28 - 2-3RD QUARTER 2020
P. 28


           PCCI Registration Head

                     AS A PCCI SERVICE PROVIDER, HOW DID

                     YOU PREPARE FOR THE ECQ?

                     We had to learn and get used to:

                     -Sanitizing more often

                     -Practicing personal hygiene

                     -Wearing mask, face shield and using alcohol.

                     The PCCI provided everything to prevent spreading the virus

                     and also provided transportation services to staff who had to

                     report for work to ensure that they are safe.

                        AS A PCCI SERVICE PROVIDER, HOW DID

                        YOU COPE DURING THE ECQ?

                     -Adjusted to the new normal by limiting social gatherings and

                     avoided going to places with a lot of people like malls.

                     -The PCCI decided to close the office and opened the activity

                     center in Marikina for walk-in registration to practice social

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