Page 50 - 2nd Quarter 2018
P. 50

SIZE AND WEIGHT  :                           6
                 Height at withers : Dogs:               21 to 23, 5 inches  (53,5 - 60 cm).

                                           Females :  20 to 22     inches  (50,5 - 56 cm).
                 Weight :                  Dogs :        45 to 60     pounds (20,5 - 28 kg).

                                           Females :  35 to 50   pounds (15,5 - 23 kg).
                 Weight is in  proportion to  height.  The  measurements mentioned
                 above represent the extreme height and weight limits with no

                 preference given to  either extreme.  Any appearance of excessive
                 bone or weight should be penalized.

                 SUMMARY :  The most important breed  characteristics of the
                 Siberian Husky are medium size,  moderate bone, well balanced
                 proportions,  ease and  freedom of  movement, proper coat, pleasing

                 head and ears, correct tail, and good disposition.  Any appearance of
                 excessive bone or weight, constricted or clumsy gait, or long, rough

                 coat should be penalized.  The Siberian Husky never appears so
                 heavy or coarse as to suggest a freighting animal; nor is he so light
                 and fragile as to suggest a sprint-racing animal.  In both sexes the

                 Siberian Husky  gives the appearance of being capable of great
                 endurance.  In addition to the  faults already noted, the obvious

                 structural  faults  common  to  all  breeds  are  as  undesirable  in  the
                 Siberian Husky as in any other breed, even though they are not
                 specifically mentioned herein.

                 FAULTS  : Any departure from the  foregoing points should be

                 considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be
                 regarded  should be  in exact proportion to  its degree and its effect
                 upon the health and welfare of the dog.

                 • Skull : Head clumsy or heavy; head too finely chiseled.
                 • Stop : Insufficient.

                 • Muzzle : Either too snipy or too coarse; too short or too long.
                 • Jaws/Teeth : Any bite other than scissor bite.

                 • Eyes : Set too obliquely; set too close together.
                 • Ears :  Too  large in proportion  to the head; too wide set;  not

                     strongly erect.
                 • Neck : Too short and thick; too long.

                 FCI-St. N° 270 / 24.01.2000

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