Page 49 - 2nd Quarter 2018
P. 49


                 FEET : Oval in shape but not long.  The paws are medium in size,
                 compact and well furred between the toes and pads.  The pads are
                 tough and thickly cushioned.  The paws neither turn in nor out when

                 the dog is in natural stance.

                 GAIT / MOVEMENT  : The Siberian Husky’s characteristic gait is

                 smooth and seemingly effortless.  He is quick and light on his feet,
                 and when in the show ring should be gaited  on  a  loose  lead at  a
                 moderately fast trot, exhibiting good reach in the  forequarters and

                 good drive in the hindquarters.  When viewed from the front to rear
                 while moving at a walk the Siberian Husky does not single-track, but
                 as the speed increases the legs gradually angle inward until the pads

                 are falling on a line directly under  the  longitudinal center of  the
                 body.  As the  pad marks converge, the  forelegs and  hind legs  are
                 carried straightforward, with neither elbows nor stifles turned in or

                 out.  Each’hind leg moves in the path of the foreleg on the same side.
                 While the dog is gaiting, the topline remains firm and level.


                 HAIR : The coat of the Siberian Husky is double and medium in

                 length, giving a well furred appearance, but is never so long as to
                 obscure the cleancut outline of the dog.  The undercoat is soft and
                 dense and of sufficient length to support the outer coat.  The guard

                 hairs of the outer coat are straight and somewhat smooth lying, never
                 harsh nor standing straight off from the body.  It should be noted that
                 the absence of the undercoat during the shedding season is normal.
                 Trimming of whiskers and fur between the toes and around the feet

                 to present a neater appearance is permissible.  Trimming the fur on
                 any other part of the dog is  not to be  condoned  and  should be

                 severely penalized.

                 COLOUR :  All colours from black to pure white are allowed.  A
                 variety of markings on the head is common, including many striking

                 patterns not found in other breeds.

                 FCI-St. N° 270 / 24.01.2000

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