P. 66

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     1  JOSELITO T.  ROSALES                  -Most of our dog trainers and handlers   The  office  was  closed  to  the  pub-
            PCCI General Manager              were greatly affected since there    lic due to the pandemic, and this
                                              were no more dog shows thus most of   caused a huge  volume  of  backlog.
                                              the dog owners stopped the training   Even  though  the  Marikina  office  was
                                                         of their dogs.            eventually opened,  we were  still left
                                                -Licensing of the judges was also   behind when it came to the process-
        AS  A  PCCI  SERVICE  PROVIDER,  HOW   affected since they could no longer   ing of papers. We went to the office
                                                conduct their judging practicum    early so we can catch up with the pro-
        -Installed plastic dividers in the office
        -Installed alcohol dispensers and hand   2  SYLVIA BABIERA                 PCCI implemented a coding policy
                     sanitizers                                                    for  walk-in registration  as well as the
         -Provided face masks  and face             PCCI Registration Head         dropbox  system. The  online registra-
               shields to all employees                                            tion and the registration thru LBC were
           -Scheduled a skeletal workforce    AS  A  PCCI  SERVICE  PROVIDER,  HOW   maintained throughout the period.
        -Provided shuttle service to the em-    DID YOU PREPARE FOR THE ECQ?
        -Set up a common communication          We had to learn and get used to:
              system using Messenger                 -Sanitizing more often      3  KARWINA MAGTULIS
        -We advised the employees to main-    -Consider  changing  to  practicing        PCCI Executive Secretary
        tain social  distancing continuously       stricter personal hygiene.
        and to avoid going  into  crowded     -Wearing mask, face shield and using   AS  A  PCCI  SERVICE  PROVIDER,  HOW
                      places                  alcohol. The PCCI provided every-       DID YOU PREPARE FOR THE ECQ?
        -Subject all employees to COVID       thing  to  prevent  spreading  the  virus
                    blood test                and also provided transportation ser-  Before the lockdown announcement,
                                              vices to staff who  had to  report  for   the PCCI General Manager conduct-
                                                work to ensure that they are safe.  ed a meeting  with all the  staff to  in-
                                                                                   form  them  about the  changes  that
        AS  A  PCCI  SERVICE  PROVIDER,  HOW   AS  A  PCCI  SERVICE  PROVIDER,  HOW   may result  from  the  ECQ. Thankfully,
          DID YOU COPE DURING THE ECQ?          DID YOU COPE DURING THE ECQ?       social media allowed us to  update
                                                                                             everyone easily.
        -The  office  continued  its  operation   -Adjusted  to  the  new  normal by lim-
              thru its online registrations   iting social gatherings  and avoided   The Board of Directors provided med-
        -Set  up  another  registration  office  at   going  to  places with a lot  of people   ical assistance to all the staff, such as
        the  PCCI  Activity Center  in  Marikina          like malls.              rapid testing,  swab testing  and vita-
        City for walk-in registrations since it is a                                 mins supplements for all the staff.
              well-ventilated building.       -The  PCCI decided to  close  the  of-
                                              fice  and  opened  the  activity  center   AS A PCCI SERVICE
        HOW  DID  THE  NEW  NORMAL  AFFECT    in  Marikina for  walk-in registration  to
         YOU AS A PCCI SERVICE PROVIDER?           practice social distancing.     PROVIDER,  HOW  DID YOU

          -We cannot hold dog show events     HOW  DID  THE  NEW  NORMAL  AFFECT     COPE DURING THE ECQ?
                                               YOU AS A PCCI SERVICE PROVIDER?
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