Page 4 - 4TH QUARTER 2017
P. 4


                                        he year 2018 is halfway through and, thinking the PCCI way, the
                                       Philippine Circuit 2019 is only 6 months away. As I travel around the
                                     world, people I don’t know approach me wanting more
                             information about our prestigious show. I always get this funny feeling
                             inside since I never thought that we could manage to have a show of
                             this magnitude and also stage one as popular as this. I do hope we can
                             keep the ball rolling and make it even bigger in every way than it is today.

                                      For our PCCI German Shepherd enthusiasts, we are in the process of
                             organizing our very own club, managed by the PCCI. We, together with a big
        number of kennel clubs, are coming up with a pool of FCI German Shepherd judges whom we
        can use for our FCI shows. Also, a new worldwide organization for German Shepherds is in the
        process of being set up by numerous FCI Kennel clubs. This is going to be very big and will be
        something to look out for. We are very excited about this new endeavor. Wait and see.

                Last year, I announced to family and friends that I will be cutting down on judging assignments
        both locally and internationally. I have no qualms about judging but I have noticed that I miss out on
        so many weekends at home with my dogs and my family; my job also needs me to be present more
        often. Thus, for the next two years, 2019 & 2020, just like this year, I have limited my assignments
        to 12 per year - one local and eleven foreign. In fact, my calendar is full for 2019 and I’m about to
        close 2020. This will save me a lot of money as well since I always need to top-up from coach to a
        higher class every time I travel to judge. And I’m also getting old and traveling too much now takes
        its toll on me. Fifty is the new seventy.

                The year 2018 is turning out to be a good year fi nancially for our club. Comparing our net
        revenue this month to the same month last year’s, we are doing somewhat better, considering last
        year’s revenue was the second highest in history. Thus, should things turn out as expected, we will
        end this year on a very good note. This issue of the PCCI magazine is the only one that will have a
        printed version. However, all quarterly issues for this year are available online. In other words, this
        is the special edition.

                I would like to commend our Publication Committee on a job well done. I often see them
        working so hard to make our magazine possible. To Fred Salud, Ray Lo, Tally Galvez, Cris Pineda
        - Maraming Salamat.

                We are always open to your opinions and suggestions. Do send us an email.

                A very warm regards to all.


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