Page 65 - PCCI SEPT ISSUE spread REV - 12-10-19
P. 65

                            Rm. 206 Hillcrest Condominium 1616 E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, Cubao, Quezon City
                                                 Tel. No(s): 721-8345 / 726-7825
                                E-mail Adress: Website
                                       SCHEDULE OF FEES WITH VAT
                                                    Effective July 23, 2018

                    Particular          Rate  12% VAT  Rate with            Particular          Rate 12% VAT  Rate with
        MEMBERSHIP                                              DUPLICATE COPY
         Re-Admission                 1,500.00  180.00  1,680.00  PCCI Certified Pedigree      300.00   36.00  336.00
         Regular (VAT Inclusive)      1,000.00                   Kennel Name Certificate        32.00    3.84   35.84
         Associate/Junior Membership    300.00  36.00   336.00
         Admission Fee (Associate Member)  350.00  42.00  392.00  OTHERS
         Admission Fee (Regular)        275.00  33.00   308.00   Laminated Plastic ID           100.00         100.00
         Renewal of Assoc. (Late)       350.00  42.00   392.00   Philippine Champion/Obedience         FREE
                                                                 Trial Certificate
         Dog Reg. (Imported) Lifetime  3,000.00  360.00  3,360.00  SURCHARGES / PENALTIES FOR LATE REGISTRATION
         Supplemental Transfer (Form R-3)  43.00  5.16   48.16
         Transfer of Ownership         500.00   60.00   560.00   Transfer of ownership after 90 days  1.50/day  0.18  1.68
                                                                 from date of Transfer
         Export Processing Fee        1,750.00  210.00  1,960.00
         (Inclusive of Transfer of Ownership)
         Change of Gender             1,500.00  180.00  1,680.00   Late Litter Registration (after 6 months
         Change Date of Birth         1,500.00  180.00  1,680.00  but before 1 year old)      1.50/day   0.18    1.68
         Change of Color               800.00   96.00   896.00
         Listing Fee (subject for evaluation of                  Later Litter Registration (1 year but
         a licensed Judge)             500.00   60.00   560.00   before 2 years of age)        2,500.00  300.00 2,800.00
                                                                 Later Litter Registration (2 years but
        LITTER REGISTRATION                                      before 3 years of age)        3,500.00  420.00 3,920.00
         Litter Registration           500.00   60.00   560.00
         Additional Fee per Puppy      369.64   44.36   414.00   Late Litter Registration (3 years of
         Kennel Name (renewable 5 years)  750.00  90.00  840.00  age and above)                4,500.00  540.00 5,040.00
         Kennel Name (Lifetime)       3,300.00  396.00  3,696.00
         FCI Kennel Name               710.00   85.20   795.20

        DOG SHOW                                                Imporant: DOG REGISTRATION APPLICATION  (LATE REGISTRATION
         PCCI Show Entry Fee           500.00   60.00   560.00  OF PUPPY (OVER 1 YEAR) ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE MICROCHIPPED
         (Regular) Ordinary                                     or TATTOO BEFORE REGISTRATION)
         PCCI Show Entry Fee                    FREE
         (Baby Puppy) Ordinary                                  EXPRESS PROCESSING CHARGES
         FCI Show Entry Fee (Regular)  1,350.00  162.00  1,512.00
         FCI Show Entry Fee (Baby Puppy)  500.00  60.00  560.00  On the same day processing    1,000.00       1,000.00
         Dog Show Application fee per show  500.00  60.00  560.00
         Front Cover                 30,000.00  3,600.00 33,600.00
         Back Cover                  20,000.00  2,400.00 22,400.00
         Inside Front Cover          16,500.00  1,980.00 18,480.00
         Inside Back Cover           11,000.00  1,320.00 12,320.00
         Centerspread (Breeder)      15,000.00  1,800.00 16,800.00
         Centerspread (Corporate)    22,000.00  2,640.00 24,640.00
         Page 1 (Breeder)             8,800.00  1,056.00  9,856.00
         Inside Full Page (Corporate)  10,000.00  1,200.00 11,200.00
         Inside Full Page (Breeder/Kennel)  6,000.00  720.00  6,720.00
         Half Page                    3,300.00  396.00  3,696.00
         Box Ad - Commercial          1,000.00  120.00  1,120.00
         Box Ad - Breeder              500.00   60.00   560.00

   60   61   62   63   64   65   66