Page 82 - 1st Quarter 2019
P. 82


            What would be your first                                What future do you see/
            advice to prospective                                   would like to see for

            Labrador owners?                                        your breed? And why?

            My advice would be to study and                         I would like to see a future with healthy
            understand the breed very well before                   Labradors that conform with the breed
            owning one. Ask information from                        standards; free from all genetic defects.
            reputable dog-owners & breeders so you                  I hope that breeders will practice and

            get proper firsthand information about the              promote responsible breeding. No
            breed. Always bear in mind that owning a                Labradors (or any dogs in general) should
            dog is a full-time responsibility. You have             suffer from irresponsible breeding. 

            to be prepared and committed physically,
            emotionally and financially.

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