Page 53 - 1st Quarter 2019
P. 53


                                                        1        How old are you? At what age did you
                                                                 start handling?
                                                                 I’m 11 yrs old. I started handling a year ago
                                                                 since I was 10 yrs. old.

                                                                 How did you become interested in
                                                                 dogs? In handling dogs?
                                                                 As of the present, my father is a dog handler.
                                                                 He brought me to dog shows, then I grew
                                                                 involved in handling dogs which I adore. I
                                                                 love dogs!  1

                                                                 Do you have any dog showing idols?
                                                                 Why you look up to them; if any?
                                                                 My uncles and my father. They are giving their
                                                                 best to achieve the goal every show not only
                                                                 for themselves but for their family.

            Winning Best Puppy in Group

           What was your first dog, and what                                                                  2

           breed? First show dog? First dog

           you handled in a show?
           A Chihuahua     . My father gave it to me as
           present. It was terrifying to handle a dog

           for the first time, but at the same time

           overwhelming. That was a Golder Retriever
           for a dog show in Cavite, the year 2018.

           What would you consider as the

           major highlights of your show
           handling experience?

           Winning the best junior handler for the
           preceding Philippine Circuit Show was my

           highlight in show handling. It drives me to
           dream big in dog show handling. 3

                                                                  Chihuahua, my first dog

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