Page 52 - 1st Quarter 2018
P. 52

They are wrong. How arrogant can you get thinking that
                                                                   the dogs there were wrong and our dogs were all right.  But
                                                                   after 3 months, I suddenly realized that maybe ours were
                                                                   wrong.   And that was when I started importing dogs from
                                                                   the top kennel in the UK. I had 2 English champions.

                                                                   Was there any breeding that you would have redone in
                                                                   another way through the years?
                                                                      There have been times when you looked at the puppies
                                                                   and know that it didn’t work so you did it again.

                                                                   What percentage of your breeding would fall on that
                                                                   particular side?
                                                                      Not too many. My principle in breeding is to breed for
                                                                   myself first then to supply the puppy market. I always keep     What do you think would be the biggest opportunities?  What would you consider to be the biggest rewards of
                                                                   a puppy from every litter I breed.                                 The biggest changing point in breeding dogs is the frozen   judging?
                                                                                                                                   semen. We now have the best dogs in the world available for us.   When you judge a dog and you put your hand on it, like
                                                                   Would there be any other important pointers that you                                                                   yesterday there was a particular breed, with this young dog
                                                                   can give to people who are thinking of going into dog           How did you get into judging?                          that was on the table. It was a coated breed and under that
                                                                   breeding?                                                          I wanted to judge Corgis only. But in New Zealand, it is not   coat was a fabulous body. It went around the ring and it just
                                                                      If you are not prepared to go for the best don’t do it at    big enough to be able to do that so I went and got my license   made me go goosey.
          Did you have any plans when you started?                 all. Don’t settle for the 2nd best.                             for the Herding Group. I enjoyed it so much that I just kept on
              None whatsoever. I had no idea what I was doing either.  Be critical. Some years ago, some friends of mine said      learning. I also found that I learned a lot from my judging that   Throughout your judging career, what has been the
                                                                   that I am too critical with my own dogs but I don’t see that    helped me in exhibiting. One of the things I learned was to listen   biggest dilemma that you have faced as a judge?
          How was the first litter?                                as a problem at all. I think it is one of my strengths.         to what the judge tells you because as judges we have to judge   Seeing dogs in the ring that shouldn’t be in the ring.
               One puppy and she was terrible.                                                                                     250 dogs in a day on occasion. After a judge has done 240 dogs,   Because somebody sold them. Sometimes even less than a pet
                                                                   You have been breeding for almost 5 decades and you             they are exhausted and when the exhibitors do not do what they   quality dog.
          That did not discourage you?                             have seen how things have changed over the years.               are told to do, they are very very cranky. So the number 1 rule is
              No.                                                  What would you consider two or three significant                to do what the judge tells you to do.                  What would you consider as the fondest memory
                                                                   challenges that a dog breeder would probably face in                                                                   as a judge?
          At what point did you produce your first champion?       the next 5 to 10 years?                                                               How long have you been judging?      I have so many fabulous fabulous memories. When I first
              I sent a bitch to Australia to be mated. I got my first   I think it’s the animal rights movement. I think that                              I got my first license in 1985.  started in showing dogs, never in a thousand years did I think
          champion out of her. We have a minimal gene pool in New   is the biggest single challenge facing the dog world now.                                                             that I would travel the world and judge dogs. If somebody
          Zealand and there was only one other dog in New Zealand   They are going to stop dog shows as we know them today.                             How many more years do you        would have said that to me, I would have said that they are
          that was of the breeding that I wanted but that was the bitch’s   Already in some countries, they are not allowed to dock                    intend to judge?                   crazy. But it is the most rewarding career that I think anybody
          father so I had to send the bitch to Australia to be mated. I got   tails, not allowed to crop ears and remove dew claws. Now                      Well, I am thinking about    could have. It is so educational, it broadens your mind. It is the
          a Best in Show winner in that litter.                    in New Zealand, the RECIO PHILIP DOG is not allowed                                       retiring now actually but I have   most rewarding experience.
                                                                   to be advertised in the media. The animal rights people                                     appointments up to until the
          What would you consider the most challenging aspect in   and the veterinarians don’t want any snub-nosed breeds.                                     year 2021. I don’t want to   When you have a dog line up, what mental process do you
          deciding to breed purebred dogs?                         One of our most significant problems is that we are too                                      get into a stage that I no   go through to be able to choose the dog that you like?
              There is a big time commitment to it. And with so many   complacent, we let somebody fight the battle for us. We                                                                You must look at the dog and sometimes what you put up
                                                                                                                                                                longer enjoy it. When you
          other things in my life, I found it very difficult. With the help of   should be out there fighting for what we believe in.                          travel from New Zealand,   as a judge is not what you put up as a breeder. As a breeder,
          Karen McIntyre, I was able to continue with my breeding and                                                                                          everything is a long-haul flight   you have different priorities than as a judge. The dog should
          judging. She is now a kennel partner.
                                                                                                                                                             and traveling gets to me.    be a show dog. It must have the breed characteristics. A good
                                                                                                                                                                                          head that will look at me with a beautiful face.
          You seem to have approached breeding in a scientific                                                                                             From your perspective, what
          manner.                                                                                                                                         would you consider as essential   How do you want to be remembered as a good judge?
              I decided that if I was going to do it I was going to do it                                                                                 qualities that a person must         She loved the good head.
          properly. So, I imported about 10 or 12 dogs from England                                                                                       have to be a good dog judge?
          and they came from the top kennel in England. I imported two                                                                                       Integrity. Integrity, integrity.
          stud dogs and the bitch went to the first stud dog first then the                                                                               Don’t be swayed by what other
          progeny went to the 2nd stud dog and that is how I did it.
                                                                                                                                                         people say. Don’t be corrupt. Do
                                                                                                                                                         what your heart tells you.
          Apparently, after some time, you were able to develop a
          particular plan of action. How did you get about going
          there? Did anybody mentor you?
              In 1995, I went to the UK for 3 months. I went to the dog
          shows and I looked at the dogs and I reckoned and thought,
          these dogs are nothing like what we’ve got in New Zealand.
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