Page 12 - 1st Quarter 2018
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PHILIPPINE CIRCUIT SHOW | POST REPORT | JANUARY 18-21, 2018                                                                                                                    JANUARY 18-21, 2018 | POST REPORT | PHILIPPINE CIRCUIT SHOW
                             Bes t in Sho w W inners

           1   Pekingese       PHIL GR/MEX CH DIAQUIRIS ON THE         MEXICO        (5) Best in Shows
                               EDGE OF FAME

           2   Dobermann       PHIL GR CH DOUBLE DNICOLS               BRAZIL        (3) Best in Shows
                               SCRAPPI KOKO
                                                                                     (1) 3rd Best in Show
                                                                                     two (2) Best in Shows
               Welsh Corgi     PHIL/CN GR/INT/CN CH GGC NUMINA
           3   Pembroke        KICKING THE SHOW OF JIA JIA             CHINA         two (2) 2nd Best in Shows
                                                                                     and two (2) 3rd Best in Show

           4   Rottweiler      PHIL HOF/AM/SEA/APAC CH/PW’17           U.S.A.        one (1) Best in Show
                               LORAL’S HOLD ON TIGHT

           5   Borzoi          PHIL GR CH F JASON OF FREE GHOST        KOREA         one (1) Best in Show
                               ART HOLE

           6   Pomeranian      PHIL/AM/TH GR CH POMSADMIRER’S          THAILAND      three (3) 2nd Best in Shows
                               PREMIUM LIMITED EDITION

           7   Tibetan         Siberian Husky, AM GR/PHIL/THA/CN/      CHINA         three (3) 2nd Best in Shows
                               MYS CH PARAGON’S ABSOLUTELY
               Terrier         ENTERTAINING O’KRISTARI (USA)

           8   Dobermann       PHIL GR/JPN CH ART SELECTION JP LA      JAPAN         one (1) 2nd Best in Show

           9   Siberian        AM GR/PHIL/THA/CN/MYS CH                THAILAND      one (1) 2nd Best in Show
                               PARAGON’S ABSOLUTELY
                               ENTERTAINING O’KRISTARI (USA)
          10 Pomeranian        PHIL GR CH THAI SILK GONNE MAKE         RUSSIA        one (1) 2nd Best in Show
                               ME SWEAT

               Tibetan         PHIL GR/CRO CH FALAMANDUS
          11   Terrier         REMASTERED EDITION                      GERMANY       two (2) 3rd Best in Shows

          12 Dacshund          PHIL & AM GR CH RAYDACHS RIDE MY        U.S.A.        three (3) 3rd Best in Shows
                               DUCATI SW

          13   Kerry Blue      PHIL HOF/NZ/SEA/APAC CH/PW’17           CHINA         one (1) 3rd Best in Show
                               SHADO-LANS SECRET IDENTITY
               Terrier         (IMP NZL)
                               PHIL HOF/JR/SEA/SEA JR/APAC/APAC JR
          14 Dacshund          CH/PW’17/PJW’17 AMMO IRIGA QUEST  PHILIPPINES         one (1) 3rd Best in Show
                               FOR FIRE

          15   Golden          PHIL/KOR CH OCEAN PALACE’S THE          KOREA         one (1) 3rd Best in Show
                               LOVE OF YOUR LIFE
                               PHIL HOF/JR/SEA/SEA JR/APAC/APAC JR CH/
          16 Dacshund          PW’17/PJW’17 AMMO IRIGA QUEST FOR       PHILIPPINES   one (1) 3rd Best in Show
                               FIRE                                                                                                                       ANNOUNCEMENT

               Golden          PHIL/KOR CH OCEAN PALACE’S THE LOVE                                                                        Please mark your calendar for another big event next year as it was announced, that
          17   Retriever       OF YOUR LIFE                            KOREA         one (1) Best in Show                               the next PHILIPPINE CIRCUIT SHOW will be held on January 10, 11, 12 & 13, 2019.

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